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New posts in hosts-file

Adding Apache VirtualHost, DocumentRoot of localhost changes to the VirtualHost's DocumentRoot

IOError: 13, 'Permission denied' when writing to /etc/hosts via Python

Why does /etc/hosts not work anymore for some websites on Big Sur? [closed]

MacOS hosts file entry for only non-www url

osx-elcapitan hosts-file

Mac OS X ignoring hosts file [closed]

osx-lion mamp hosts-file

How can I programmatically edit the hosts file in Windows 7/Server 2008?

How to force Apache Bench to use IP addresses specified in /etc/hosts?

How do i change the hosts file in a windows program?

c# c++ c windows hosts-file

Android hosts file usage

android hosts-file

/etc/hosts ignored in mac El Capitan (10.11.5)

Prevent Chrome from caching a site's DNS records

How are, and localhost different?

Best way to determine if a domain name would be a valid in a "hosts" file?

proxy_pass does not resolve DNS using /etc/hosts

nginx lua dns hosts hosts-file

Homestead 2.0 multiple sites, all link to the same url

laravel hosts-file

Can I temporarily override DNS resolution within a .NET application?

c# nunit dns hosts-file ipconfig

iPhone: add entry to /etc/hosts without jailbreaking

iphone ios hosts-file

How do I clear System.Net client DNS cache?

Can't open local IIS site in IE or Edge

ansible ssh prompt known_hosts issue