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New posts in history.js

History API and History.js Back Button issue

Page refresh goes back to home page when using History.js in ie9 and below

javascript history.js

Force html4 fallback in history.js

History API: Javascript Pushstate, get previous URL

pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history

statechange load is causing multiple loads of the same page

History API html5, how to know when user clicked in next/back browser buttons? [duplicate]

HTML5 pushState using History.js. Trouble retrieving data from State.data

html pushstate history.js

Is it possible to use HTML5's pushState() across multiple domains?

How to change state without triggering statechange in history.js?

jquery ajax history.js

Using the back and forward buttons with the History API

jquery ajax history.js

How can I detect the back/forwards buttons being clicked when using History.js?

jquery history.js

Does Ember routing fall back to using a hash if browser doesn't support the History API?

AngularJS ng-include do HistoryJS stop working

angularjs history.js

Differentiate Back/Forward click and History.pushState/replaceState in statechange event

Is there a way to tell what direction the state is going with history.js?

Component is not getting rendered after history.push()

JQuery History.js plugin not replacing state of one page in both HTML4 and HTML5 browsers