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New posts in hibernate

Spring-data-jpa: batch inserts are not working

Why can't hibernate lazily fetch @ManyToOne and @OneToOne?

Concurrency - Spring + Hibernate + SQL Server

What are the benefits of session-per-conversation?

Cascading Deletes/Updates using JPA or Inside of Database?

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Using hibernate hbm2ddl.auto=update : How can I alter column not to require value anymore?

hibernate hbm2ddl

Why are life-cycle listeners in Hibernate Serializable?

java hibernate

Hibernate Save strange behaviour

Prevent the same object from being associated to two different sessions in hibernate

java hibernate session

Value of 0 in Hibernate IndexColumn mapped with base=1

JPA @ManyToMany on only one side?

How to map a property for HQL usage only (in Hibernate)?

java hibernate orm

Where to open sessions in a Spring/Hibernate stack?

hibernate spring

Is it bad practice to use DiscriminatorFormula for migration of Hibernate databases?

Hibernate - Avoiding LazyInitializationException - Detach Object From Proxy and Session

java hibernate lazy-loading

Spring + Hibernate transaction takes 25 seconds doing nothing

Unable to disable Hibernate log messages

java hibernate logging log4j

Transaction Isolation Level in Financial Apps

JPA (Hibernate, EclipseLink) mapping: why doesn't this code work (chain of 2 relationships using JPA 2.0, @EmbeddedId composite PK-FK)?

hibernate, join table with additional column

hibernate jointable