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New posts in hibernate

Unable to perform insert/update/delete

How to show formatted contact numbers?

Spring-boot & hibernate, using transaction

Using Hibernate's Criteria API, can I use concat with ilike restrictions?

Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans

hibernate spring-mvc

orphanRemoval not working properly in hibernate : Element inserted and removed from list is persisted in DB

"object references an unsaved transient instance" in bidirectional one-to-one

java spring hibernate jpa

How can I make Hibernate OUTER JOIN when using @OneToOne and @OneToMany


Hibernate createNativeQuery returning Proxy object for Clob

How to optimize a JPQ JOIN query to run faster

Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails - Bidirectional mapping in hibernate

java hibernate jakarta-ee jpa

Hibernate enum throw Unknown name value [true] for enum class

Spring boot is not running with sql server using spring data and hibernate

How do I configure JPA table name at runtime?

Does hibernate load two seprate copies of same instance if they are loaded twice from database?

java hibernate

Hibernate returns com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry

Is Hibernate second level cache useful for anything other than a "find by primary key" ?

How to get Hibernate to ignore table columns not in entity?

What column type should I use for BigInteger mapping in Hibernate?

Provided id of the wrong type for class when testing