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Antlr RecognitionException

hibernate jpa spring-mvc

What can hibernate's hibernate.cache.use_structured_entries do?

java hibernate caching

Commit during transaction in @Transactional

JPA: Deleting detached instance

Unit Test JPA/Hibernate : No Persistence provider for EntityManager

hibernate jpa-2.0 java-ee-6

Losing Time When Saving to Database

java sql hibernate

Is there some fully configured Spring Wicket Hibernate archetype including Annotations?

javax.persistence.PersistenceException : [PersistenceUnit: vodPersistenceUnit] class or package not found

java spring hibernate

Hibernate LazyInitializationException while using collection in Spring JSP page

Spring synchronized method NOT SYNCHRONIZED

Getting NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.Table.indexes() while performing JPA query

Spring junit test using Entity Manager doesn't insert data in H2 filesystem database

java spring hibernate junit h2

is it Hibernate, PostgreSQL, or Spring Boot: Unexpected error trying to gauge level of JDBC REF_CURSOR support : null

@Async is killing Hibernate transaction

JPA or Hibernate to generate a (non primary key) column value, not starting from 1

Hibernate JPQL throws Update/delete queries cannot be typed

java spring hibernate jpa jpql

What is difference between Hibernate EAGER fetch and cascade-type all

java hibernate jpa orm fetch

StackOverflow error on overriding toString() method

java hibernate

Turn off indexing in hibernate search

Events after Transaction Commit Spring JPA