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New posts in hibernate-validator

Is there a way to do input validation in Java as well as with JavaScript using a common code base?

How can I apply a @NotNull constraint to all fields in a class using javax.validation?

Spring validator: having both annotation and validator implementation

JSR Bean Validation and multiple groups, AND vs OR

Hibernate validator to validate constraints if @Constraint(validated by = {})

How HibernateValidator finds ConstraintValidator when validatedBy is empty?

javax.validation: Receive an error 'No validator could be found for type:'

Using hibernate validator JodaTime bean validation constraints in JBoss

JSR 303 implementation gives ClassCastException

When JodaTime v. 2.5 library included into WAR file deployment fails

Register new constraint validator for standard bean validation annotation

How can I change annotations/Hibernate validation rules at runtime?

Input Validation using Hibernate Validator(JSR 303) vs other Frameworks (ESAPI, Apache Commons etc)

Running a hibernate constraint individually?

ConstraintViolationException handler isn't executed in Micronaut

Stop Hibernate from creating not-null constraints

Read several ValidationMessages.properties from classpath

Spring Validation vs Hibernate Validation

Trouble starting Hibernate Validator due to Bean Validation API

Control validation annotations order?