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New posts in hibernate-tools

Annotation not created when generating Hibernate mapping files

How can I change the name of the self-referential many-to-many set using hibernate.reveng.xml?

Hibernate tool, reverse engineering

Hibernate Tools: Exception when Foreign Key is mapped to two different tables

How to configure hbm2java and hbm2dao to add packagename to generated classes

Error Fetching Children of Database - Hibernate Tools - org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger.log


Problem with reverse engineering a many-to-one unidirectional association with hibernate tools

How to change name of Hibernate Tools reverse engineerd DAO class?

PersistenceException: No persistence provider found for schema generation for persistence-unit named default

Can Hibernate tool generate JPA POJO?

How to generate domain objects with annotations using hibernate tools

Hibernate Tools "Duplicate class" error on reverse engineering

Hibernate: An AnnotationConfiguration instance is required to use ... error

org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Collection has neither generic type or OneToMany.targetEntity()

How to configure hibernate-tools with maven to generate hibernate.cfg.xml, *.hbm.xml, POJOs and DAOs

How to install Hibernate Tools into Eclipse Luna?

Hibernate Tools: Error parsing JNDI name

hibernate hibernate-tools

How to install Hibernate Tools in Eclipse?