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New posts in hibernate-annotations

Doesn't work setting default value of property in Hibernate

hibernate two tables per one entity

Specify foreign key constraint name when using Map and @ElementCollection with Hibernate

Creating Indexes on DB with Hibernate @Index Annotation

Java: Hibernate @OneToOne mapping

Hibernate: OneToMany save children by cascade

How to create hibernate composite key using annotations

Hibernate annotation or XML configuration

The annotation @Index is disallowed for this location

org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.Set, at table: USERS, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(invoices)]

Hibernate/persistence without @Id

Hibernate Mapping Package

Hibernate: Add a property in my class that is not mapped to a db-table

Hibernate recursive many-to-many association with the same entity

How can I mark a foreign key constraint using Hibernate annotations?

can someone please explain me @MapsId in hibernate?

mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property

@UniqueConstraint and @Column(unique = true) in hibernate annotation

Hibernate throws org.hibernate.AnnotationException: No identifier specified for entity: com..domain.idea.MAE_MFEView

Confusion: @NotNull vs. @Column(nullable = false) with JPA and Hibernate