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New posts in hgignore

.hgignore not working for mercurial

mercurial hgignore

Is it possible to use rooted glob patterns in .hgignore?

mercurial hgignore

How do I ignore .hgignore in my local repository?

How can I ignore all directories except one using .hgignore?

mercurial hgignore

Mercurial .hgignore for Android Studio projects

.hgignore whole directory tree excepting one specific file

mercurial hgignore

How to check which files are being ignored because of .hgignore?

file mercurial hgignore

Mercurial .hgignore for Visual Studio 2013 projects

hg - Ignore directory at root only

mercurial hgignore

ignoring folders in mercurial

regex mercurial hgignore

Mercurial .hgignore for Visual Studio 2012 projects

hg local ignore

Interconversion of gitignore and hgignore?

Is there an ignore-on-commit option in mercurial?

mercurial hgignore

hgignore: help ignoring all files but certain ones

regex mercurial hgignore

Mercurial: How to ignore changes to a tracked file

Mercurial: Globally Ignore Files

mercurial hgignore hgrc

Mercurial ignore file

mercurial ignore hgignore

How to list all files in a repository in Mercurial (hg)?

mercurial hgignore

Mercurial .hgignore for Visual Studio 2010 projects