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CakePHP 3 changing the radio input template

How to get email address in the "to" field from ActionMailer view?

Rails Return multiple content_tags from Helper module

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Active Directory Helper Class

How to set html_options for a 'select' helper in Ruby on Rails?

ruby-on-rails select helper

What are helper classes and scripts?

Rails: don't generate helpers

Rails Gravatar Helper Method

Why does my recursive method from helper not return every value?

Thoughts on throw helpers

Java Comparable: helper methods for isLessThan, isGreaterThan, isEqualTo

java methods helper comparable

Where should calculation logic go in a Rails app?

PHP: Is it better to close SoapClient connection?

php soap soap-client helper

How to have both a default value and a set value in codeigniter forms?

how can i assign a value to a check box in erb?

What is a more elegant solution to these nested if/elseif statements?

php string user-input helper

Why use CakePhp AJAX helper instead of jQuery?

jquery ajax cakephp helper

Remove "Add new" button from ActiveAdmin has_many form helper