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New posts in heap-dump

create heap dump from within application, without HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean

java jmx heap-dump

How to get jmap histogram programmatically?

Finding a Java lambda from its mangled name in a heap dump

Java heap dump and the heap size after the heap analysis differs

How do I produce a heap dump with only a JRE?

java heap-dump

Using -XX:HeapDumpPath option but want to integrate the process id

java pid heap-dump

Heap dump error on Centos 64bit and openjdk 7

java openjdk heap-dump

How to convert a heap dump in android to eclipse format

android eclipse heap-dump mat

What do the Android Studio HPROF reference tree element colours represent?

Why is my Java heap dump size much smaller than used memory?

Tool or tricks to analyze offline Java heap dumps (.hprof)

java visualvm heap-dump

Java Heap Dump error - Metadata does not appear to be polymorphic

Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer?

Difference between javacore, thread dump and heap dump in Websphere

How can I analyze a heap dump in IntelliJ? (memory leak)

How to get a thread and heap dump of a Java process on Windows that's not running in a console

java jvm heap-dump thread-dump