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spark + hadoop data locality

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write an RDD into HDFS in a spark-streaming context

Why can't hadoop split up a large text file and then compress the splits using gzip?

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Flume not writing to HDFS unless killed

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Host and port to use to list a directory in hdfs

How can one list all csv files in an HDFS location within the Spark Scala shell?

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HDFS replication factor change


HDFS performance for small files

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Namenode failure and recovery in Hadoop

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Apache Spark architecture

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How to create a connection to a remote Spark server and read in data from ipython running on local machine?

Cannot create directory /home/hadoop/hadoopinfra/hdfs/namenode/current

hadoop hdfs

Apache Pig permissions issue

"Connection refused" Error for Namenode-HDFS (Hadoop Issue)

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How can I list subdirectories recursively for HDFS?

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Structure Difference between partitioning and bucketing in hive

Hadoop HDFS maximum file size

hadoop hdfs

Partition Hive table by existing field?

Name Node stores what?

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Save a spark RDD to the local file system using Java