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Django (Rest Framework): create (POST) a nested/sub-resource using hyperlinked relations

How to implement HATEOAS in Rails

ruby-on-rails-3 hateoas

HATEOAS Link and Method performance

hateoas spring-hateoas

Vue js + Hateoas Module

vue.js hateoas

Spring Hateoas @EnableEntityLinks does not provide EntityLinks bean (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException)

Behaviour of <link rel=alternate> in browsers

html http rest hateoas

HATEOAS bookmarked URL access


On REST: WADL or not IDL, is the following approach right?

rest wadl hateoas

How to build HAL links with "templated:true" using Spring-hateoas?

HATEOAS principal in retrofit? link to resources?

java android retrofit hateoas

Jersey 2 InjectLink is ignored

Pure HATEOAS vs making too many service calls

How to enable HAL rendering without using @EnableHypermediaSupport with spring hateoas?

Design RESTful API using HAL - serialize model relationships

How do you model complex operations in REST?

Permissions on a rest API implementing HATEOAS

api rest hateoas hypermedia

REST and URI Caching

rest caching uri hateoas