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New posts in has-and-belongs-to-many

Rails habtm joins

Rails 3.1 Ransack HABTM

How to have many-to-many relationship in rails

Ordering of has_and_belongs_to_many associations

Records in join table destroyed automatically in HABTM association?

Yii framework Many to Many relationships

acts_as_list with has_and_belongs_to_many relationship

CakePHP how to retrieve HABTM data with conditions?

Laravel belongsToMany where doesn't have one of

Rails habtm and finding record with no association

Efficient ActiveRecord has_and_belongs_to_many query

Trying to use accepts_nested_attributes_for and has_and_belongs_to_many but the join table is not being populated

Create join table with no primary key

Rails: Has and belongs to many (HABTM) -- create association without creating other records

What is the fastest way to create mass HABTM associations in Rails?

HABTM - uniqueness constraint

rails 3 habtm delete only association

Add record to a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship

HABTM Relationship -- How Can I Find A Record Based On An Attribute Of The Associated Model

How do I remove a single HABTM associated item without deleting the item itself?