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Multiline string in HAML

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Rails production environment breaks with cycle

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How do I make a haml-coffee closure which spans multiple lines?

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haml rails forms - html appearing raw instead of rendering as html

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Rendering haml partials takes a long time... why?

Mustache and Haml

Why does HAML throw encoding ISSUE when ERB and ERUBIS dont

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Slim templates - removing whitespaces around the block tag

How to avoid newlines being added by HAML ruby block evaluation

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Should I Learn NHaml?

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Elastic css framework with rails 3 and haml/sass?

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Multiple multi-line HAML blocks

ruby-on-rails haml

Rails/HAML: Line breaks in text mail

Using AngularJS within Haml views of a Rails app

What is the best method for storing SASS generated CSS in your application and source control?

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How to pass an argument when calling a view file?

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HAML - add type=text/css to <style> tag with :css filter

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