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Can Apache YARN be used without HDFS?

ECONNREFUSED during 'next build'. Works fine with 'next dev'

How to kill a mapred job started by hive?

Yarn add raise error Missing list of packages to add to your project

vue.js hadoop-yarn

How to choose the queue for Spark job using spark-submit?

apache-spark hadoop-yarn

Pyspark on yarn-cluster mode

Explanation of YARN's DRF

hadoop hadoop-yarn

NoClassDefFoundError org/apache/hadoop/yarn/server/timelineservice/collector/TimelineCollectorManager

hadoop hadoop-yarn

Spark streaming job fails after getting stopped by Driver

Saving garbage collection logs into ${yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs}/application_${appid}/container_${contid} for mappers and reducers on Hadoop Yarn

pass custom exitcode from yarn-cluster mode spark to CLI

apache-spark hadoop-yarn

How to stop gracefully a Spark Streaming application on YARN?

what difference between execute a map-reduce job using hadoop and java command

could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1). There are 4 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation

How to optimize spark sql to run it in parallel

Share config files with spark-submit in cluster mode

How can I tell if my spark job is progressing?

Does reducing the number of executor-cores consume less executor-memory?

apache-spark hadoop-yarn

Yarn JobHistory Error: Failed redirect for container_1400260444475_3309_01_000001