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New posts in guid

Suggested character set for non utf8 columns in mysql

mysql utf-8 guid

comparing a GUID so I can sort by GUID

delphi sorting guid

Obtaining a unique database identifier for SQL Server 2005 and later

sql-server database tsql guid

How to compare two GUIDs in Linq to Entities

linq-to-entities guid

how to check for invalid guid parameter passed in

c# guid

How to generate a GUID in C?

c guid uuid

Should I use Oracle's sys_guid() to generate guids?

oracle primary-key guid

Guid.NewGuid() is returning duplicate values when used in a Parallel.For loop

base64 to guid to base64

powershell mongodb guid

Is a guid as identity field better in domain-driven design?

How can I find all the Guids in some text?

.net vb.net regex guid

When would you use GUIDs as primary keys? [duplicate]

SQL Server - Guid VS. Long

how to create random folder names 12 characters long in .NET

.net guid base64 auto-generate

fast way for finding GUIDs

c# .net guid

Get hash string / guid from a jQuery object

javascript jquery hash guid

How can I observe the performance overhead while inserting into a uniqueidentifier primary key column?

Suppress GUID Warnings as a Result of mt.exe Post-Build Event