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implementing a lazy Supplier in java

java guava lazy-evaluation

The very basics for using Guava [closed]

java guava

HashMap returned by Maps.newHashMap vs new HashMap

java spring collections guava

Does googles guava have a java tryparse integer method or something similar?

java guava

Why does Iterables.find() in Guava throw NoSuchElementException, instead of returning null?

guava api-design

Scala range / interval map structure [closed]

Restartable Service using Guava

java guava

Does guava come with a command line argument parser [closed]


Critical guava memory leak - Workaround needed

What is a "LoadingCache"?

caching guava

Give me a practical use-case of Multi-set

collections guava

Is there an equivalent for Guava Striped-Class in C#?

c# concurrency guava

Guava ImmutableMap Builder syntax

java guava immutability

Sorting a Guava BiMap

java guava

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/util/concurrent/FutureFallback

maven cassandra guava

Java - Are there any Stream Collectors that return ImmutableMap? [duplicate]

java-8 guava

Caching with Guava

java caching guava

Cleaner way to check if a string is ISO country of ISO language in Java

"Normalizing" BigDecimal's hash code: howto?

java guava hashcode bigdecimal

Adding a key with an empty value to Guava Multimap

guava multimap