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Scala range / interval map structure [closed]

I have almost the same question as mentioned in Data structures that can map a range of keys to a value, but for Scala.

That is, I'd like to have a mutable system of non-overlapping 1D ranges [a[i], b[i]) that would map to some sort of value v[i]. A standard underlying data structure to do this kind of job is a red-black tree.

Operations that I'd like it to have, preferably all of them should have complexity of O(log n):

  • Query and get a given range (start, end, stored value) or lack of thereof by specifying any point inside it
  • Insert a new range into this structure
  • Remove a range from structure

So, I guess so far I see the following variants, all of which have their cons:

  • Roll-your-own-container on top of Java's TreeMap - quick & dirty, but probably bad in long term due to lack of proper maintenance
  • Use Guava's RangeMap - possible, but would be pretty awkward in Scala collections world
  • Try to use Scala's red-black tree implementations and try to roll-your-own, however, I guess that would be pretty hard, given that Scala's TreeMap is immutable-only and misses straightforward lookup methods, such as Java's TreeMap floorEntry

Am I missing something here? Are there any Guava-like well-maintained collections extensions libraries using Scala-centric APIs that extend basic Scala collections?

Strongly related questions:

  • Migrating Java TreeMap code to Scala? - mentions to "just use Java's TreeMap" and forget about anything else
  • Java versions of this issue:
    • Data structures that can map a range of keys to a value
    • Hashtable key within integer interval
    • Using java map for range searches
    • Java - Suitable data structure for search interval
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GreyCat Avatar asked Aug 14 '14 05:08


1 Answers

I'd most probably encapsulate Guava's RangeMap. All you need is a three method class, behind which you can hide the non-scalaish collection.

I was curious how hard it'd be to roll my own Java NavigableMap-based solution, and it's pretty trivial:

  • define a class MyValue containing (start, end, stored value)
  • use a map mapping the start point to the corresponding MyValue

With only 40 lines in Java with Lombok (and probably fewer in Scala), I wouldn't be afraid of any maintenance. I wrote just a very rudimentary test.

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maaartinus Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 22:10
