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Implement DISTINCT in for comprehension

In the penultimate lecture of his Coursera course, Prof. Odersky offered the following for comprehension as the final step in a lovely case study:

def solutions(target: Int): Stream[Path] =
  for {
    pathSet <- pathSets
    path <- pathSet
    if path.endState contains target
  } yield path

In an earlier lecture he drew some analogies between for comprehensions and SQL.

What I'm looking for is a way to yield only those paths that have a DISTINCT endState.

Is there a way to refer back from within a filter clause of the same comprehension to the items that have already been yielded?

Another approach might be to convert pathSets to a Map from endState to path before the for statement, then convert it back to a Stream before returning it. However, this would seem to lose the lazy computation benefits of using a Stream.

An earlier method from the same case study accomplished similar goals, but it was already a recursive function, while this one doesn't (seem to) need to be recursive.

It looks like I could use a mutable Set to track the endStates that get yielded, but that feels unsatisfying, since the course has successfully avoided using mutability so far.

like image 488
Daniel Ashton Avatar asked Jun 27 '14 14:06

Daniel Ashton

1 Answers

Is there a way to refer back from within a filter clause of the same comprehension to the items that have already been yielded?

Your for comprehension desugars to something more or less like

pathSets flatMap {
  pathSet => pathSet filter {
   path => path.endState contains target
} map {path => path}

The last map with an identity function is your yield. I can't remember if the spec allows that map to be elided when it's an identity function.

Anyway, I hope this shows more clearly why there's no "reaching back" with that structure.

You can write a lazy, recursive distinctBy function

implicit class DistinctStream[T](s: Stream[T]) {
  def distinctBy[V](f: T => V): Stream[T] = {
    def distinctBy(remainder: Stream[T], seen:Set[V]): Stream[T] =
      remainder match {
        case head #:: tail => 
          val value = f(head)
          if (seen contains value) distinctBy(tail, seen)
          else Stream.cons(head, distinctBy(tail, seen + value))
        case empty => empty

    distinctBy(s, Set())  

And use it like so

def solutions(target: Int): Stream[Path] =
(for {
 pathSet <- pathSets
 path <- pathSet
 if path.endState contains target
} yield path) distinctBy (_.endState)

Yeah, now there's recursion. But there already was because Stream's map, flatMap, and filter functions are all lazy recursive functions already.

like image 102
James Iry Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10

James Iry