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New posts in guava

How can I transform a collection into a Guava Multimap grouped by the elements of a nested collection property?

java guava java-8 java-stream

Guava iterators, and iterating over a list within a list object

java iterator guava

JDK's Arrays vs. Guava's ImmutableList

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Trie saves space, but how?

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Extending an ImmutableMap with additional or new values

java guava

Get all Values from a Map for some Keys in Java/Guava?

java collections maps guava

adding a key to HashMap without the value?

java collections guava

is there a Java equivalent to Javascript's "some" method?

Does Jackson support java 8 stream()?

Is Guava's ImmutableList.Builder thread safe?


How can I join an array using Google Guava (Java)?

java guava

Text file into Java List<String> using Commons or Guava

Java Generics Wildcards Question

java generics guava

Is the lockless lazy loading pattern used in Guava really thread-safe?

Performance of Guava's ImmutableSet.contains

set guava immutability caliper

JavaScript equivalent to Guava's Preconditions?

javascript guava

Difference between new HashMap(int) and guava Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(int)

java collections guava

Java: "cons" an item to a list

java list guava

Is there Guava for C#? [closed]

Does guava have a Map implementation that takes custom hash/equals functions?

java guava