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New posts in grunt-contrib-watch

Use Grunt newer with custom task

GIT: how can I watch for local changes in a performant way?

gulp watch and browserify. watches but doesnt build again

Is 'El Capitan's' rootless breaking old grunt configs?

grunt-contrib-watch does not work with eslint to watch only changed file sets

Grunt is Running "watch" task and Waiting... forever. Is it my Gruntfile.js syntax?

Codeigniter and React.JS setup

Odd behavior from grunt-contrib-concat when using globbing pattern

grunt-contrib-watch + sass: how to specify the destination files?

Gruntfile with grunt-contrib-watch, browserify, and hbsfy (handlebars) - Automate transform

Grunt imagemin - watch multiple files/folders optimise single file?

Get livereload to work with Sails.js

Grunt watch pattern.indexOf is not a function

How to setup Gruntfile.js to watch for SASS (compass) and JS

How to modify grunt watch tasks based on the file changed?

Grunt doesn't update main scss file

Grunt config watch and karma:unit in single task

grunt-autoprefixer loops endlessly when using grunt-contrib-watch

Gruntjs: Fatal error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND