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New posts in groovy

How to add config file for config file provider plugin with groovy script in jenkins

Groovy Map.get(key, default) mutates the map

List of all available groovy functions in Nexus3

groovy nexus nexus3

When a GString will change its toString representation

Mock multiple calls to the same method in spock

groovy spock

Groovy string interpolation in jenkins pipeline - mixing credentials and constants

How do I reference a classpath from Gradle 0.6

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Add/insert elements into Groovy MarkupBuilder object after initial creation

xml dom groovy markup

Why doesn't .collect() work in the following GString?

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Moving From non-Java Ruby to Groovy: Language Differences

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Standardizing a Release/Tools group on a specific language

python perl groovy

groovy call private method in Java super class

java groovy methods private

Groovy 1.7 changes "final"?


Howto update XML with groovy's XML Slurper?

xml groovy

Play! Framework: Layouts with different sections

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Add dateCreated field to join table in Grails

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Is Geb(automation testing framework) a good acceptance testing framework?

Groovy :: Map Find Recursive

recursion groovy map find

Some issue with AntBuilder?

grails ant groovy

Groovy Sequence of a number
