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New posts in grep

Regex to match unique substrings

regex grep

find in files using ruby or python

python ruby search file grep

Parse a dhcpd.lease File with Bash

bash parsing grep

Extracting data from a file

sed grep unix

How can I use Mac OS X (and UNIX) command line tools like grep with UTF-16 files?

macos unix unicode grep utf-16

Linux find files and grep then list by date

linux list find grep exec

Unix: Grep on console output

unix console grep

Search log file for string with bash script

string bash grep

Find and replace using xargs sed - can I save the results to a file?

replace sed find grep xargs

ack is not doing a recursive grep

grep ack

Opposite of "only-matching" in grep?


passing search string to grep as a shell variable

bash grep

Difference between ps –ef|grep java and ps –ef|grep *.java

unix grep

Iterating through grep results line by line not delimited by space

bash grep

Grep regex to unscramble a word

regex grep

Make grep exit early when it finds a match

bash grep

BASH: Finding maximum value in a particular CSV column

bash csv awk sed grep

How to redirect grep to a while loop

bash while-loop grep

Bash Regex Capture Groups

regex bash grep pcre

Why does this `grep -o` fail, and how should I work around it?

regex bash grep