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New posts in gradle

Gradle: Cannot configure artifactory from an external build script

gradle artifactory

Android build system gradle

Not able to use variables defined in classes within groovy annotations

groovy annotations gradle

build multiple jars from a single project source


Failed to import new Gradle project: Could not install Gradle distribution from 'http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.6-bin.zip'

gradle android-studio

Choosing the correct JRE version in Gradle with Eclipse

java eclipse gradle

Android Studio - Build an Android project with Android library which depends on another Android Library

Gradle Error - Duplicate Files copied in APK AndroidManifest.xml

How to generate artifacts from WSDL and XSD using gradle?

Android Studio gradle and libraries import

Android sdk version on gradle and manifest

Run failed java.util.NoSuchElementException

java gradle

How do I download my Gradle project external dependencies to a specific folder?

gradle build.gradle

Adding Android Library to Existing Project on Android Studio 0.3.6

What gradle task pulls dependencies from remote repositories?

Cannot build an Android app with Gradle, except with sudo

android studio gradle version increment

Intellij Idea log GradleConnectionException: Could not execute build using Gradle installation while building

Gradle execution fails: Unknown command-line option '--daemon'

Spring Boot War

gradle spring-boot