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New posts in googlemock

Mocking an entire library

Ignoring mock calls during setup phase

CPP FakeIt library multiple inheritence

How to invoke a method on a object passed to a mocked method

Testing iterative code using mocks - does it make sense, how?

Mock method implementation using Google Mock

NiceMock a Mock that has another Mock as a constructor parameter

GMOCK a method accepting variable arguments

c++ googlemock

How do I mock an overloaded function with const/non

c++ googlemock

Why is the MOCK_METHOD syntax not working in GMock?

c++ googlemock

C++, google test/mock: assertion to test and object type

Google Mock: How to configure custom message to explain match failure

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How to set, in google mock, a void* argument to a set of values?


C++ Google Mock SaveArg : how to save a pointer argument

c++ googlemock

How can I mock a method with a return type of unique_ptr in Google Mock?

Google Mock : Setting argument in EXPECT_CALL

In a C++ unit test context, should an abstract base class have other abstract base classes as function parameters?

How to inspect argument to a gmock EXPECT_CALL()?

Google Mock unit testing static methods c++

c++ googletest googlemock

google mock - can I call EXPECT_CALL multiple times on same mock object?