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Ignoring mock calls during setup phase

I often face the problem that mock objects need to be brought in a certain state before the "interesting" part of a test can start.

For example, let's say I want to test the following class:

struct ToTest
    virtual void onEnable();
    virtual void doAction();

Therefore, I create the following mock class:

struct Mock : ToTest
    MOCK_METHOD0(onEnable, void());
    MOCK_METHOD0(doAction, void());

The first test is that onEnable is called when the system that uses a ToTest object is enabled:

TEST(SomeTest, OnEnable)
    Mock mock;
    // register mock somehow

    // interesting part of the test
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, onEnable());

So far, so good. The second test is that doAction is called when the system performs an action and is enabled. Therefore, the system should be enabled before the interesting part of the test can start:

TEST(SomeTest, DoActionWhenEnabled)
    Mock mock;
    // register mock somehow

    // initialize system

    // interesting part of the test
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, doAction());


This works but gives an annoying warning about an uninteresting call to onEnable. There seem to be two common fixes of this problem:

  1. Using NiceMock<Mock> to suppress all such warnings; and
  2. Add an EXPECT_CALL(mock, onEnable()) statement.

I don't want to use the first method since there might be other uninteresting calls that really should not happen. I also don't like the second method since I already tested (in the first test) that onEnable is called when the system is enabled; hence, I don't want to repeat that expectation in all tests that work on enabled systems.

What I would like to be able to do is say that all mock calls up to a certain point should be completely ignored. In this example, I want expectations to be only checked starting from the "interesting part of the test" comment.

Is there a way to accomplish this using Google Mock?

like image 809
mtvec Avatar asked Oct 01 '22 04:10


2 Answers

The annoying thing is that the necessary functions are there: gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h defines Mock::AllowUninterestingCalls and others to control the generation of warnings for a specific mock object. Using these functions, it should be possible to temporarily disable warnings about uninteresting calls.

That catch is, however, that these functions are private. The good thing is that class Mock has some template friends (e.g., NiceMock) that can be abused. So I created the following workaround:

namespace testing
// HACK: NiceMock<> is a friend of Mock so we specialize it here to a type that
// is never used to be able to temporarily make a mock nice. If this feature
// would just be supported, we wouldn't need this hack...
struct NiceMock<void>
    static void allow(const void* mock)

    static void warn(const void* mock)

    static void fail(const void* mock)

typedef NiceMock<void> UninterestingCalls;

This lets me access the private functions through the UninterestingCalls typedef.

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mtvec Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10


The flexibility you're looking for is not possible in gmock, by design. From the gmock Cookbook (emphasis mine):

[...] you should be very cautious about when to use naggy or strict mocks, as they tend to make tests more brittle and harder to maintain. When you refactor your code without changing its externally visible behavior, ideally you should't need to update any tests. If your code interacts with a naggy mock, however, you may start to get spammed with warnings as the result of your change. Worse, if your code interacts with a strict mock, your tests may start to fail and you'll be forced to fix them. Our general recommendation is to use nice mocks (not yet the default) most of the time, use naggy mocks (the current default) when developing or debugging tests, and use strict mocks only as the last resort.

Unfortunately, this is an issue that we, and many other developers, have encountered. In his book, Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development, Jeff Langr writes (Chapter 5, on Test Doubles):

What about the test design? We split one test into two when we changed from a hand-rolled mock solution to one using Google Mock. If we expressed everything in a single test, that one test could set up the expectations to cover all three significant events. That’s an easy fix, but we’d end up with a cluttered test.


By using NiceMock, we take on a small risk. If the code later somehow changes to invoke another method on the [...] interface, our tests aren’t going to know about it. You should use NiceMock when you need it, not habitually. Seek to fix your design if you seem to require it often.

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Lilshieste Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
