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New posts in global-variables

What are the advantages to passing a global DB connection into each function of a model?

SyntaxWarning: name 'color' is assigned to before global declaration global color Python

how to add elements to an array inside a function php

php arrays global-variables

How to populate global variable with Python joblib?

How to find out which variable is triggering Matlab warning about global variables

matlab global-variables

Error and warnings in Xcode when declaring Array of NSString* as a global extern

Jquery: variable as ID selector not working

Why shouldn't I use global variables in JavaScript for something that's constant?

Global variables in System.pas in applications which use DLLs

c++ duplicate symbol linker error when sharing a variable in a namespace

Winform variable scope

Performance of accessing class variables in Python

creating a global class objective-c?

How to set global variable with UIColor class

Defining global variable in main()

c++ global-variables

Give static function access to data without passing the data as a parameter

Laravel 5: Global Auth $user variable in all controllers

Global variable not recognized in functions

Aren't fields in classes similar to global variables?

java global-variables field

Java - Listen to variable change