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New posts in git-submodules

Strange problem with git repo?

What's the equivalent in Git to a read-only component in ClearCase?

Storing submodules for micro services, but still using forks

git clone -c core.symlinks=true does not work

git git-submodules symlink

git rm -r doesn't work in a submodule

git git-submodules git-rm

Git Submodule Files showing red in XCode when moving to different Mac

xcode git git-submodules

Customizing vim bundles using pathogen and git submodules

how to prevent unpushed submodules in git

git git-submodules

Git Submodule : Cannot update submodule to an earlier revision


GIT Submodules in VSTS online?

Git: Recursively switching branch (checkout) on all submodules

Clone external private submodule with deploy token from Gitlab-CI

Git history including/interleave submodule commits

git git-submodules

Easy way to add -A/commit main/all submodules

AWS Elastic Beanstalk + Git Submodules

Using GitHub Actions to automatically update the repo's submodules

Checkout submodules in Jenkins with Github organisation plugin

Ensuring relative Git paths

git git-submodules

How to move Git submodule to sub-directory?

git git-submodules

Private folder (submodule) in a public repo

git github git-submodules