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New posts in git-fork

Fork a Github repo into another repo as part of a larger project

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pip install specific fork

python pip git-fork

Fork one directory on github

git github git-fork

Deduplicate Git forks on a server

Bower : install fork of Bootstrap

Github: Fork or create a brand new Repository?

Using Git to manage multiple forks from master branch for multiple clients

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Forking using TFS Git

git github tfs git-fork

Fork Gist to Repo on GitHub

github fork gist git-fork

Github: Clean up fork after pull request

Merge a Pull request which is one commit behind

How to set up branches with different pull/push upstreams

Is it safe to delete a fork of a GitHub repo, when the original refers to mine?

git github git-fork

how do I fork an older version of a github project?

git git-commit git-fork

Git - Forking without Github

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Git rebase my forked branch on upstream master

git github push rebase git-fork

Updating a GitHub fork repo in the web interface

git github git-fork

Selectively importing other people's pull requests in your own Github fork

Cocoapods and forked repo issue

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How to fork the whole Android operating system's code?