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New posts in git-filter-branch

Split subdirectory from a Git repository and keep history of all files that are in the subdir _now_

git git-filter-branch

How to preserve tags on git filter-branch for prune-empty or subdirectory filter

git-filter-branch git-tag

"git filter-branch" successfully used to change committer/author, but changes don't reflect on github

How do I use 'git filter-branch' to update the SHA of a submodule?

Why did --cached option on filter-branch remove files from working directory?

git git-filter-branch

Intense Restructure of large Git repo into multiple new repos

Can I rewrite an entire git repository's history to include something we forgot?

What is the opposite of `git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter`?

Git Filter-Branch All command

git git-filter-branch

Proper way to remove unwanted files with git filter-branch without git rm failing

git git-filter-branch

How can I resume a git history rewrite?

Remove spam from git history

Remove commits which aren't in subtree nor in original repository

How to rewrite Git history so that all files are in a subdirectory?

git filter-branch led to a disconnected history: how to get rid of the old commits?

git ignores $GIT_AUTHOR_DATE -- is this a bug?

git git-filter-branch

How can I copy a directory from one git repository to another, preserving history?

git git-filter-branch

Remove a lot of files in git filter-branch

Change timezone for all commits in git history