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New posts in game-engine

Porting 2d tile based iPhone game to Android.

java android game-engine

Isometric engine drawing issue

Libgdx pause/resume not called when window is being dragged (Windows)

Live Wallpaper with Game Engine or not?

Andengine: destinguish between OnAreaTouched and OnSceneTouched

Android AndEngine: handling Collission Detection properly

How to handle lots of objects in a C++ game

c++ game-engine

libGDX: Create grid for board game

Exemplary 2D game engine

c++ game-engine

Android: how do I do the opposite of 'Matrix.mapPoints(float[] points)'?

android matrix game-engine

Are there any game/graphics engines for the D programming language?

d game-engine

Have any commercial video games ever used Prolog? [closed]

prolog game-engine

SpriteKit: Should I pan the camera or move the background?

How can I exclude unnecessary DLLs from my build?

Game Design MVC - Controller Architecture

How to delete sliced sprites in Unity3d

How to check for convexity of a 3d mesh?

vector of unique_ptr deleting?

Help with game development. Render loop?

game-engine game-loop

Gaffer on games timestep: std::chrono implementation