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Android: how do I do the opposite of 'Matrix.mapPoints(float[] points)'?

If I have a point and a Matrix:

float point[] = new float[]{x,y};
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();

and call:


how could I reverse the effects that matrix.mapPoints(point) has on point?

This isn't the actual application that I will use the answer for, but an answer for this will would work for what I need.

Thanks for any help.

like image 918
raystubbs Avatar asked Oct 10 '14 21:10


1 Answers

If you don't want yourMatrix to change

 Matrix inverseCopy = new Matrix();
      //Now transformedPoint is reverted to original state.

If you want yourMatrix to change

      //Now transformedPoint is reverted to original state.

matrix.invert() returns false if the matrix cannot be inverted. If your matrix cannot be inverted there is no way to revert your points to original state.

like image 109
Durgadass S Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Durgadass S