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New posts in format-specifiers

What does a # sign after a % sign in a scanf() function mean?

Escaping square bracket ] in sscanf

error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected

Using various format specifiers of c in c++

c++ format-specifiers

Why would one use %8.8 over %08 in a printf format string?

Difference between upper and lower case double (float) type specifiers in C

How to not show unnecessary zeros when given integers but still have float answers when needed

What does this %1$@%2$d format specifier means in objective c

Using %f to print an integer variable

c format-specifiers

NSLog giving me warnings which are not correctable

Is there a printf specifier that requires float not double?

Is there a format specifier that always means char string with _tprintf?

scanf %u negative number?

What is the purpose of using the [^ notation in scanf?

c scanf format-specifiers

(nil) pointer in C/C++

warning: format ‘%x’ expects argument of type ‘unsigned int’

c printf format-specifiers

Why doesn't gcc -Wformat warn about printf %d on an unsigned int?

Why scanf("%d", [...]) does not consume '\n'? while scanf("%c") does?

c scanf format-specifiers

What happens if I forget to close a scanset?

c scanf format-specifiers