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New posts in foreign-keys

Is there a way to bulk insert into two tables with FK from one to the other?

How does facebook store the friends of a user?

facebook foreign-keys mysql

standard way to represent a foreign key relation in a json rest web service

Enforce referential integrity in a ternary relation

Changing MySQL primary key when foreign key contraints exist

Can a foreign key have a constant instead of a field name? Relate FK to STI subclass

Multi Tenant Database with some Shared Data

How to create a Foreign Key with "ON UPDATE CASCADE" on Oracle?

oracle foreign-keys ddl

Override joined-inheritance foreign key name with JPA/Hibernate

Reference with custom name and foreign key

Error "Can't create table..." on adding FOREIGN KEY

mysql foreign-keys

How to keep foreign key relations consistent in a "diamond-shaped" system of relationships

Foreign key in main database referencing attached database

sqlite foreign-keys

How to resolve related foreign key at insert time using SQLAlchemy?

Entity Framework - How do I join tables on non-primary key columns in secondary tables?

Why doesn't Oracle have foreign keys in Oracle Apps/ E-Business Suite?

How to make ARRAY field with foreign key constraint in SQLAlchemy?

Table composed purely of foreign keys?

Error when trying to DELETE foreign key: “ERROR 1025 (HY000):”

mysql foreign-keys

MongoDB copy a field to another collection with a foreign key