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New posts in fluent-nhibernate

NHibernate: How to-reconfigure mappings at runtime?

What is the best way to provide an AutoMappingOverride for an interface in fluentnhibernate automapper

FluentNHibernate mapping of one column to two properties: is this possible?

NHibernate using wrong table alias

NHibernate 2.1.2 throwing DateTime null overflow exception

Fluent NHibernate - Flatten multiple rows into a single entity

Config complex type for value object using NHibernate in C#

NHibernate Mapping Null Object / Special Case Pattern

nhibernate cache problem with linq queries

Is it possible to specify the name of the Index property to use for lists in a fluent nhibernate convention?


Fluent NHibernate: mapping complex many-to-many (with additional columns) and setting fetch

An invalid or incomplete configuration was used while creating a SessionFactory

Avoid specifying key column in double linked scenario

Cascade Saves with Fluent NHibernate AutoMapping

NHibernate - not-null property reference a null or transient value