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FluentNHibernate mapping of one column to two properties: is this possible?

The legacy database I work with has a table with some sample information shown below:


These codes actually contain two bits of information:

  1. Whether the debt is classified as an expense or liability (if code starts with '1' -> expense; if it starts with '0' -> liability
  2. The type of debt (e.g. mortgage, funeral expense, overdraft etc)

As such, I would like to map this field to two properties in my entity.

I have looked at ICompositeUserType, but this appears to be about mapping two fields to one (composite) property, not mapping one field to two properties.

I can see how I can create two classes implementing IUserType which examine this field and convert it to the correct property values, but I can't work out how the class would convert the properties back to the appropriate database values. For example, I would like to map this such that I can create a linq query where I can say;

.Where(x => x.ExpenseOrLiability == ExpenseOrLiability.Expense)

and this will be converted into SQL like the following:

WHERE LiabilityType LIKE '1%'.

Is such a thing possible?

like image 993
David Avatar asked Nov 14 '22 05:11


1 Answers

We handled this situation through denormalization. Store the code and the debt classification type in separate fields. This allows you to present the code to the user but use its intrinsics in queries.

To prevent the values from getting out of sync you have to derive one from the other. For example, derive the breakout:

public virtual LiabilityType LiabilityType { get; set; }
public virtual ExpenseOrLiability ExpenseOrLiability
        return // extract ExpenseOrLiability from LiabilityType
    set{} // ignore set
public virtual DebtType DebtType
        return // extract DebtType from LiabilityType
    set{} // ignore set

OR derive the code

public virtual LiabilityType LiabilityType 
       return // combine ExpenseOrLiability with DebtType somehow
   set { } // ignore set

public virtual ExpenseOrLiability ExpenseOrLiability { get; set; }
public virtual DebtType DebtType { get; set; }
like image 134
Handcraftsman Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 05:01
