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New posts in floating-action-button

Floating button not working in Pre-lollipop version

Animate Fab Button cross to mark

Change size of FloatingActionButton

Different implementation for a floating action button in each fragment of an activity

Floating action button hidden behind navigation drawer

How to center align text in Extended Floating Action Button?

How do I correctly implement a Snackbar, Coordinator Layout and a bottom|right FAB?

Floating Action Button does not raise OnClick event

Floating action button layout anchor not working

How to achieve Floating Action Button in Codenameone?

Android Bottom Sheet with Floating Action Button with Snackbar Issue

When does FAB's color depend on colorAccent?

Android FAB HideBottomViewOnScrollBehavior statys hidden after changing fragments

Floating Action Button with square shape

Using Support Design Library in Eclipse

failed to find: com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.2.0

Using CoordinatorLayout with SwipeRefreshLayout and RecyclerView and FloatingActionButton together

Android: How can we hide/show floating action button(fab) in xml layout

How to change android design support library FAB Button border color?

Floating action button in andoidx library