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New posts in first-responder

Objective-c overriding delegate with its descendant type

becomeFirstResponder without hiding Keyboard

Implementing Prev./Next buttons in UITableView to make first responder a UITextField in a non-visible cell

How do I resignFirstResponder when I click outside of a UITextField onto a UITableView

Attempt to delete row containing first responder that refused to resign

UITextView in inputAccessoryView will not resignFirstResponder

How to make embedded view controller part of the responder chain?

Setting initialFirstResponder in a storyboarded OSX app

Why does my inputAccessoryView disappear when navigating backwards?

Why does setting initialFirstResponder have no effect?

UITextView inside a UITableViewCell, how to resign textview's firstResponder when tableView scrolls?

FirstResponder missing redo:

hitTest fires when UIKeyboard is tapped

Showing UIMenuController loses keyboard

Dismissing the First Responder/Keyboard with multiple Textfields

Keyboard Animation Issues When Calling becomeFirstResponder within a Modal View Controller

Is there a robust way to detect first responder changes in subviews?

Understanding system logic for first responder

How to detect when NSTextField has the focus or is it's content selected cocoa

Find View that is the firstresponder

iphone ios first-responder