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New posts in firmware

What is a typical keypress duration

c embedded firmware hci

Are there any FreeRTOS interpreted language libraries available?

What do people mean by ROM and firmware in the context of android? [closed]

android firmware rom

Loopback mount in OSX

linux macos image mount firmware

What does the MSP in STM32CubeMX HAL_xxx_MspInit() functions stand for?

c embedded driver firmware

What are some available software tools used in testing firmware today?

How to keep interrupts short?

Debian Firmware bug TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata

debian intel firmware

Linux-Based Firmware, how to implement a good way to update?

linux firmware buildroot

What sort of things are UEFI "applications" actually used for?

firmware uefi efi

Is it possible to disable Android firmware update notifications?

Arduino C++ code: can you use virtual functions and exceptions?

Is low-level / embedded systems programming hard for software developers? [closed]

embedded hardware firmware

Why would I consider using an RTOS for my embedded project?

embedded rtos firmware

Experiences with (free) embedded TCP / IP stacks? [closed]

A good serial communications protocol/stack for embedded devices? [closed]

How does Linux Kernel know where to look for driver firmware?

How can I use a C++11 to program the Arduino?

c++ ide arduino firmware