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New posts in firefox-addon

Is there a way to log all DOM method calls

Mozilla Add-on development: Chrome page action equivalent?

Icon not showing in firefox add-on manager

Do I have to use `jpm run` every time I change the Firefox add-on I'm developing?

firefox firefox-addon jpm

Firefox WebExtension importing Services

Firefox Quantum REST client? [closed]

Creating a Screenshot Plugin [closed]

How do I use the canvas drawWindow function in an addon created using the addon sdk?

the add on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt

firefox firefox-addon xpi

How to install my own firefox extension

Configuring a sidebar_action to be only on for certain sites?

javascript reference to undefined property

Panel & PageMod Content Script message passing in a Firefox extension

Controlling a Firefox Extension via Javascript

Why am I Getting error on panel's content script of Firefox Addon SDK?

Get Browser Version From Firefox Extension

how to execute an external application using firefox addon?

firefox firefox-addon

IndexedDB getAll() ordering

How to inspect my standalone Xul app using DOM Inspector (or similar)?

firefox-addon xul

How to play audio in an extension?