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Icon not showing in firefox add-on manager

I have a new Firefox add-on with the following directory structure:


In my package.json file I have this:

 "icon": "data/icons/icon48.png",

(among other things). When I run jpm run as recommended by the Firefox add-on docs, the extension loads but the icon is not visible in the add-on manager. Any idea what I'm missing? I have been referencing this page: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Tools/package_json#icon, but no luck.


like image 362
winhowes Avatar asked Sep 12 '15 00:09


People also ask

Why is my Firefox icon not showing?

Try reinstalling Firefox: Close Firefox then download using another browser from https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/#product-desktop-release Save the file to somewhere convenient on your PC, then double click it to install Firefox.

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Right-click on your toolbar to open toolbar settings. Click on Customize Toolbar. Firefox will open a new page with a list of items that you can drag into the toolbar.

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Look in the Customize Box. If they are there, just click on them and shift to the toolbar. [Access Customize by right clicking on toolbar space or in the Three Horizontal Bar Menu.] Also look in this 3 bar Menu for Add-ons > Extensions to see if they are installed and see if they need to be enabled/activated.

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Chosen solution Using your file browser, open the Programs Folder on your computer. Right click on Firefox.exe and select Create Shortcut. Now move the shortcut to the desktop.

1 Answers

Apparently this is a bug. See this issue in the jpm repository.

For me, moving the icon image to the root directory (i.e. the same path as package.json) and renaming it "icon.png" fixed the problem.

like image 53
Aylen Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10
