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Mozilla Add-on development: Chrome page action equivalent?

I've Googled around a bit looking for an answer but everything I've found so far is out-dated. Is there anything similar to the Google Chrome Page Action for a Mozilla Firefox Addon?

Or is there a good way to disable/gray-out the browser action icon in Firefox to let users know they can't use the extension unless an appropriate URL is accessed?


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joshft91 Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 13:09


1 Answers

The equivalent of browser action buttons are those within the sdk/ui/button namespace:

  • sdk/ui/button/action
  • sdk/ui/button/toggle

These are a relatively recent addition to Firefox (29). If you need such buttons in earlier versions of Firefox, take a look at my browseraction-jplib module.

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Rob W Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Rob W