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New posts in firefox-addon

Weak reference in Firefox JavaScript chrome code

Connect Firefox extension with C# application

How to reload a widget popup panel with firefox addon sdk?

"(Callback method) is not defined" in JSONP access on Firefox Addon

Firefox Add-on dev , How to use sample code from MDN in Addon Builder

Firefox add-on SDK: Get http response headers

Download a Firefox extension (add-on) without installing it

selenium firefox-addon xpi

is there possibility to add extension to firefox in developer mode?


How can my Add-on SDK content script interact with a website page script?

How can I avoid state of "TypeError: can't access dead object" in my Firefox add-on?

Allow user to upload images on x folder chrome extension without submit button

How to stop re-opening of firefox browser again & again to see the changes?


Only have Firefox extension code run once per session

javascript firefox-addon

Detecting my own Firefox extension from a webpage

firefox add-ons sdk vs XUL

Firefox Addon: how to remove preferences when addon is being uninstalled?

Firefox add-on to add a .css and a .js file to a page

Is it possible to control Firefox's DNS requests in an addon?

Javascript debug in Firefox: how to show the stack of calls with error

Firefox webextension Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist