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New posts in firefox-addon

Sample firefox add-on "cfx test" fail, why?

Why does my simple Firefox extension now refuse to run?

Firefox WebExtensions: can not get canceled request data

Request permissions using the Permissions API from a <select> onchange handler in Firefox

Firefox extension development firefox4

firefox firefox-addon xpcom

How to write a program to speed up youtube playback

Auto-Suggest Source from JS-Chrome-Content Function in Firefox Addon

Problem with debugging firefox extension

where is the "window" object defined or created in firefox source code

Is there any way to get the word under the context menu in a firefox extension?

JavaScript objects visible in FireBug, inaccessible in code

How to determine the extension's directory

External dll packing with NPAPI Plugin extension

Firefox addon development using JetBrains WebStorm. What to do with numerous warnings?

How to emulate chrome browser for mobile devices in firefox developers edition

Uncaught exception: unknown (can't convert to string)

Setting focus to the address bar using a firefox extension

How do I use jQuery in firefox addon?

jquery firefox-addon

Reading manifest: Error processing options_page: An unexpected property was found in the WebExtension

How to add java plugin for Firefox on Linux? [closed]