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New posts in firefox-addon

Firefox addon to find Unused CSS styles [duplicate]

Loading a JSON file in Firefox Addon Page Script, everything locally within the package

Install Firefox add-on into Firefox OS Firefox browser

Firefox add-on sdk uninstall hook

Firefox addon - monitoring network


Firefox content script not loading in some pages

firefox firefox-addon

How can I create a Firebug-like bottom window Firefox extension

firefox firefox-addon xul

Create Firefox Addon to Watch and modify XHR requests & reponses

How to communicate between content script and the panel

Triggering a custom event with attributes from a Firefox extension

How to disable Firefox add-ons update check on start [closed]

.ondragstart not equivalent to .addEventListener("dragstart"

Firefox extension: gBrowser is not defined

firefox firefox-addon

How to test an unsigned Firefox extension?

firefox firefox-addon

Firefox web extension Auto update unlisted-and-self-hosted extension

How to perform a background load and scraping of a page with XUL/Firefox Extension

firefox firefox-addon xul

Is there any Firefox Addon to find ASP.NET page viewstate size?

Can you get a list of Firefox add-ons programmatically

Best Method to Save Data in a Firefox Add-on

how to use post in "Request" function at firefox-addon-sdk