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How to disable Firefox add-ons update check on start [closed]

I start Firefox (Linux) via command line using a cron-job. When there is no update for the add-ons, it starts up normally, then I can tell it what to do. However if there is an update for an add-on, then it ask whether to take that update or not. I don't have the ability to detect the pop up window and choose no.

So, how can I disable all questions upon startup of Firefox?

Questions like:

  • Do you want to update add-ons?
  • Do you want to upgrade Firefox?
  • Do you want to open previous tabs or new session?

I pretty much would like to keep my version of Firefox the way it is and not have any questions asked.

When I start Firefox, I would like to have it start nice and clean without any questions.

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un33k Avatar asked Jul 09 '09 18:07


2 Answers

I went to about:config to search and disable all *.update.enabled

user_pref("app.update.enabled", false);,
user_pref("browser.search.update", false);
user_pref("extensions.update.enabled", false);

Otherwise it derails my Watir tests.

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Marcos Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09


Unless the linux version is very different, under settings > advanced > updates, there are settings you can disable, that are concerned with the automatic searching for updates for firefoxx and its add ons.

In "about:config" you can set "Browser.sessionstore.enabled" to false, in which case firefox will not restore your tab state after a crashed browsing session.

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David Hedlund Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

David Hedlund