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How can I remove the dotted border from <area> elements in Firefox?





In Firefox (current version 14.0.1) I get a dotted outline around some <area> tags that I have created here (http://mediabrands.com.au/). Not only do I see a dotted line, but once it has appeared I can't get rid of it (by clicking another area for example).

enter image description here

I've searched around here and Google for a considerable amount of time, and still haven't managed to get rid of them. They do not appear in any other browsers.

Things I have tried (and all combinations of the below) without success:

  • Add outline: none to the img, map and area tags (and their :focus and :active) counterparts.
  • Added border: none to each of those.
  • Added hidefocus="hidefocus" to each of those.
  • Added various combinations using ::-moz-focus-inner{ border: none; outline: none; } to each of those elements.
  • Added .focus(function(){ $(this).blur(); }) (jQuery) to each of those.

I believe I've exhausted all the information I've been able to come across - is there any other way to get rid of these lines?

Here is the HTML for quick reference, and for the possibility of something in there being the reason I can't get rid of it:

<img src="anatomy/dial/components/foundation.png" id="dial-map" usemap="#dial" />
<map name="dial">
    <area title="Ansible" class="tab" id="click-ansible" shape="poly" coords="412,419,376,447,313,474,248,487,247,434,327,415,374,377" href="#">
    <area title="Cadreon" class="tab" id="click-cadreon" shape="poly" coords="487,245,478,313,455,366,416,417,378,380,429,299,434,246" href="#">
    <area title="Orion" class="tab" id="click-orion" shape="poly" coords="418,73,453,117,482,191,484,242,431,244,422,180,378,111" href="#">
    <area title="Ensemble" class="tab" id="click-ensemble" shape="poly" coords="247,1,311,10,368,35,415,70,378,108,312,66,244,53" href="#">
    <area title="Reprise" class="tab" id="click-reprise" shape="poly" coords="73,69,111,39,176,8,242,2,243,53,172,66,112,108" href="#">
    <area title="Magna Global" class="tab" id="click-magnaglobal" shape="poly" coords="245,487,186,481,114,450,71,417,110,377,175,423,246,432" href="#">
    <area title="Airborne" class="tab" id="click-airborne" shape="poly" coords="69,414,37,373,12,316,2,244,55,244,68,322,106,375" href="#">
    <area title="Marketing Sciences" class="tab" id="click-analytics" shape="poly" coords="2,242,11,171,33,120,71,74,109,109,70,168,54,241" href="#">
    <area title="MB3" class="tab" id="click-mb3" shape="poly" coords="257,430,178,422,120,384,82,340,140,305,163,337,206,360,262,364,317,342,348,305,404,340,384,367,324,413" href="#">
    <area title="UM" class="tab" id="click-um" shape="poly" coords="307,134,245,116,246,56,309,68,375,109,418,178,430,237,429,288,404,339,350,303,368,246,358,198,344,169" href="#">
    <area title="Initiative" class="tab" id="click-initiative" shape="poly" coords="80,339,63,289,58,235,72,171,109,112,176,67,243,56,242,119,192,128,152,159,126,206,122,261,137,306" href="#">
    <area title="View Website" id="website" shape="poly" coords="173,330,139,292,133,213,161,167,196,143,245,129,305,146,336,176,359,246,339,300,309,335,260,352,209,351" href="#">
like image 284
Marty Avatar asked Oct 12 '12 01:10


People also ask

How do I get rid of the dotted border?

Select the cells from which you want to remove the dotted border. Click the Home tab. In the Font group, click on the 'Border' drop-down. In the border options that appear, click on 'No Border'

How do I get rid of the dotted border when I click a link?

We can remove the default behavior of hyperlinks which is to show a dotted outline around themselves when active or focused by declaring CSS outline property on active/focused links to be none.

2 Answers

The problem is your blur-focus function on line 151 of dial.js. Removing it fixes the issue.

$("img, area, map").focus(function(event) {

To prevent focusing on area elements, set a tabindexto -1, i.e.

<area tabindex="-1" title="Ansible" class="tab" id="click-ansible" shape="poly" coords="...

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/SO_AMK/K8Adx/

like image 87
A.M.K Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11


It seems that blurring on focus is causing the problem:

Remove from dial.js:

// Prevent focus of areas.
$("img, area, map").focus(function() {

Here is a fiddle I made to simplify everything: http://jsfiddle.net/MadLittleMods/gDrAS/ Comment and uncomment the javascript to see the different results.

A solution for the blur and focus is to use event.preventDefault(). So you can replace the what is removed above to:

// Prevent focus of areas.
$("img, area, map").focus(function(e) {

There is also a tabindex fix using tabindex="-1" attribute.

like image 23
MLM Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11