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New posts in firefox-addon-webextensions

How to store Greasmonkey 4 Scripts in git

Chrome tabs query returning empty tab array

Modify the browser UI using extensions?

What differenciates browser.alarms.create from setTimeout/setInterval in WebExtensions?

Completely lost on how to save extension popup window content

Context menus not working firefox add-on WebExtensions

Detect Background Script Unload

Firefox WebExtension, isolated HTML overlay

How to properly override Content-Type header in Firefox Web Extension?

Shared vuex state in a web-extension (dead object issues)

Is it possible to write a WebExtension in WebAssembly?

returning a promise from the then of another promise

Override JavaScript function from browser extension

Does a web extension need to explicitly load content scripts?

How to check if a Firefox WebExtension is installed or not with page JavaScript?

Firefox web extension Auto update unlisted-and-self-hosted extension

Chrome / Firefox extension - Content script not listening for messages

Firefox WebExtension settings page