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New posts in firefox-addon-webextensions

Request permissions using the Permissions API from a <select> onchange handler in Firefox

Uncaught exception: unknown (can't convert to string)

How to detect Firefox Theme

Stop window.location execution in global context

Cognito: is it possible to host UI on my domain and redirect to my domain too?

Firefox Web Extension "Can't access dead object" error

Debugging new Mozilla WebExtension API

How do I use `jpm` with webextension in Firefox?

Browser extensions: Send messages (with response) between browser-action-popup and background-script

Reading manifest: Error processing options_page: An unexpected property was found in the WebExtension

How to change firefox preferences (about:config) using the new WebExtensions api?

Open Firefox with a temporary add-on on startup

firefox pick page action icon for dark / light themes

Change the browser's window title in a WebExtensions based browser add-on

Inject scripts error: Script returned non-structured-clonable data on Firefox extension

Firefox Extension API - permissions.request may only be called from a user input handler?

Firefox WebExtension importing Services

How to create a global hotkey for opening the "browserAction" popup in Firefox (WebExtensions)?

How to install my own firefox extension

Firefox webextension Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist